
Irakische Fake-Filmplakate (psychol. Kriegsführung)

The internet is playing a key role in the on-going psychological war waged on America by the Iraqi insurgence:
A series of mock-up Hollywood film posters - with a chilling message for US troops in Iraq - has started to appear on the web
the movie-style images - always in english -include instructions on how to distribute such posters onto western websites.
Scream - 1990s horror classic by Wes Craven - was the influence for this chilling poster featuring an image of a burns victim.

Another Mel film to provide an influence is We Were Soldiers. The original was about the Vietnam War

The original version of War Tapes was a documentary film about the National Guard in Iraq.

The original version of Afghan Knights is about a man haunted by the fact that he left a fellow soldier behind in Afghanistan.


.Zombie movies are another influence on the Iraqi insurgents' campaign. Day of the Dead was originally a 1980s zombie classic by director George A Romero



The tag line to The Animal reads: 'He wasn't much of a man... now he's not much of an animal.'


The tag line on this Islamic extremist version reads 'Do you want lies with that?'



via: sky-news


siehe auch:

It's enough, Bush! (Anti-Bush-Plakat)

(Taliban) Bush will find us

online Kostenzähler für Irak-Einsatz (the war in Iraq costs ...)

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Schon krass, was es heute braucht, um die abgebrühten Leute zu erreichen. Noch extremer finde ich die Tatsache, dass scheinbar diese ganzen Aktionen in den Staaten keine Wirkung zeigen. Bei Veitnam gabs viel massivere Proteste. Wo sind denn die Proteste jetzt geblieben?

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